GF-H educational guidance counselling available at over 100 branch offices
Throughout Germany, the “Bildungsberatung Garantiefonds Hochschule (GF-H)” maintains offices at 22 fixed sites. In addition, we offer mobile GF-H educational guidance counselling services at numerous further locations. This means that the GF-H educational guidance counselling services are available for you in more than 100 locations.

Where can I find an educational guidance centre near me? Here you can finde the educational guidance centre nearest to your home.
Contact details of educational guidance centres
Here you can find the contact details of individual educational guidance centres.
Registration and application for a sponsorship programme
You can register for a guidance counselling appointment and/or register to apply for a sponsorship in accordance with the regulations of the University Guarantee Fund (RL-GF-H) directly at an educational guidance centre or online via the following link: Online registration / application.
Whould you like to contact us?
People seeking advice and applicants for sponsorships can contact us via our Online registration form
The Coordination Centre of the federal “Bildungsberatung Garantiefonds Hochschule”programme will be pleased to answer your questions by phone on 0211 9448529 or by E-Mail .
Click here for the contact details of your educational guidance centre.
Whould you like to order material?
If you simply want to order material and information relating to “Bildungsberatung Garantiefonds Hochschule”, please use the order form, which you can download as a PDF and complete directly on your computer in Acrobat Reader.
A streamlined online order form is also availablehere.
Koordinierungsstelle Garantiefonds Hochschulbereich (GF-H)
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Katholische Jugendsozialarbeit (BAG KJS) e.V.
Carl-Mosterts-Platz 1
40477 Düsseldorf
Tel.: 0211 9448529
Write E-Mail